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During WWI, both the sides used gas as a weapon for chemical warfare. Generally, poison chlorine was used. The gas masks gave only some protection. But the gas could cause temporary or even permanent blindness. They even caused sever damage to the lungs. The soldiers then suffered a long and a painful recovery. The mustard gas, which came into use since 1917, caused blistering of the skin and prompt asphyxiation to those who inhaled it.

--Swaroop Atnoorkar,

Mumbai, Maharashtra,


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Q: What was gas blindness during World War 1?
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Which technology caused blindness and build up of fluid in the lungs in the world war 1?

Mustard Gas

Why gas gas warfare draw so much attention?

Gas warfare was a huge issue during World War I. Men had only seconds to put on their gas masks or they risked blindness and death. The gas would cause men to literally start coughing up their lungs.

What was gas blindness in World War 1?

Different gases were used in WWI that caused blindness. Although gas masks offered some protection, mustard or chlorine gas would cause eye irritation and blindness. These gases could also cause very serious health problems or even death among the troops.

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The Germans used mustard gas during world war one.

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