There are no home tests for this purpose. To determine if a male is infertile there are several parameters that need to fulfilled, many of which need to be done through a microscope.
there are none
There are tests men can take at a doctors office. Various tests are available. Sperm count can be done to see the quantity present in semen (low sperm count can be a sign of disease and infertility). The quality of the semen can also be tested.
There are no genetic tests to see if you have prostate cancer. It is possible to find out by going to a doctor and having other tests done, however.
If the case has been filed with the Office of the Attorney General, this agency will pay for the tests. If the tests show that the man is the biological father of the child, the court may order him to repay the cost of the tests. Costs will vary depending on which types of procedures are performed and where the test is done. Prices can range from $400.00 to $2,000.00.
see the answer here:
Go see your doctor! There are many tests that can be done to answer your question in more detail.
A sputum smear is done to check for pathogenic microbes. A sensitivity test should be also done to check to see what antibiotic or drug can control that microbe. This done by taking some sputum from a patient and smearing a small amount that has been diluted with saline on to a slide. A sterile "hockey" shaped glass instrument is used or another sterile slide using the end.
Quite a great deal of them, most of which were horrific. There were tests of various noxious gases, to see how long a person could survive them, medical experiments which were excruciating and dehumanizing and other mental and physical tests.
No. Sperm is "invisible" and you can only see it under a microscope. If there's NO sperm at all, then you're sterile.
some people think it was done by a us college for tests to see how the brain works
see a urologist and have his sperm tested
AS LONG AS A MAN can achieve an erection and ejaculation, the most probable cause would be sterility (no sprem count) or low sperm count. He should get tested to see if his sperm count is just low. There are steps he can take to increase his count. But if he is sterile, not much can be done. <<<ADR>>>