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Dendrites are the part of the neuron specialized to receive information from other neurons and the axon transmits signals to other neurons or to muscles or glands.

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Chemical information in the form of neurotransmitters are received by receptors located on the dendrites and sometimes the soma (cell body) of the neuron.

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Sensory and afferent nerves receive information from sensory organs.

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In a simple model of the neuron, the dendrite receives information. In a more complex model, a neuron can have a synapse from other neurons anywhere except on the myelin sheath.

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Sensory Neurons. WIN

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Q: What neurons receive information from sensory organs?
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Special sensory neurons in sense organs that receive stimuli from the external environment.

What neuron carries impulses from receptors to the central nervous system?

Neurons that convey sensory information are called 'sensory neurons' or "afferent neurones"

Which neuron receives information?

actually we must say all neurons receive information. there are three types of neurons: 1.sensory neuron 2.motor neuron 3.relay neuron the sensory neurons receive information from receptor cells in sense organs and pass the information from sensory neuron to the other and pass the info to spinal cord where they are received by relay neuron. this neuron in turn passes the info to motor neurons which pass the info to cells in effectors and action is performed.relay neurons are messengers between sensory neuron and motor neuron in spinal cord.

What does a sensory neurons do?

Sensory neurons are nerves that take in information from either the outside world, or from within the body itself. Sensory neurons communicate this information to the brain which then issues a response. Sensory nerves take in and communicate information about heat, cold, pressure, pain, position and more. detect, feel, and smell

What are the 3 types of neurone?

Sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons. Motor neurons usually carry information to muscles and glands. Sensory neurons carry information from sense organs or free endings to the spinal cord or brain. Interneurons act as a go between.

Which type of neurons impulses from sense organs to the spinal or brain?

Sensory neurons

Are sensory neurons organs?

i am not surei think so

Can atomic neurons be sensory or afferent neurons?

I believe you mean autonomic neurons (part of the ANS) and yes, they can be sensory neurons. Sensory neurons are the same as afferent neurons--meaning they carry signals towards the CNS. Think as afferent as 'approaching'. Anyhow, these neurons sense the conditions of your visceral organs and whatnot. Other wise it would have no information to judge for what signals to send. So yes, autonomic neurons consist of both sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) neurons.

Which type of neurons carries impulse from sense organs to spinal cord or brain?

Sensory neurons

Which type of neurons carries impulses sense organs to the spinal cord or brain?

Sensory neurons

DIvision of the nervous system brings sensory information to the central nervous system?

The afferent neurones or Sensory neurones. Further divided to 2 subtypes, the visceral (from inner organs) and somatic (from skin). There is also the cranial nerves which provide information to the CNS.

How do sensory neurons and motor neurons act in opposite ways?

Sensory neurons carry impulses from the sense organs to the brain and the spinal cord . Motor neurons carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to muscles or glands.