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Attached earlobes are a recessive trait. When one parent has attached earlobes and the other is heterozygous for free earlobes, the chances of any particular offspring having attached earlobes is fifty percent.

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Q: What is the probability of having a child with attached earlobes when an individual with attached earlobes mates with an individual heterozygous for free earlobes?
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In humans the allele for free hanging earlobes is dominant over the one for attached earlobes What are the possible genotypes of a person with free hanging earlobes?

50%. Heterozygous means that there is two different traits inside of the gene. Therefore you have (aa) for the free earlobes and the other individual with attached (Aa). Drawing a Punnett square you get (aa) in two different spots, creating 50% probability.

If both of the parents have attached earlobes what is their genotype?

The phenotypes of attached and unattached earlobes do not fit neatly into the Mendelian theory of two alleles for one trait, and there is a continuum of earlobe phenotypes. That said, unattached earlobes are a dominant trait, so if the individual is homozygous for unattached earlobes, all of her offspring will have the unattached phenotype, even if some or all of them are heterozygous.

What is the probability that a father produces a gamete with the allele for attached earlobes if he has one allele for detached earlobes and one allele for attached earlobes?


What is the probability that he produces a gamete with the allele for attached earlobes?

The probability is 50% as there are two types of alleles inherited for an individual trait, with one allele being received from each parent.

Free earlobes in humans is a dominant trait if two parents with free earlobes have children with attached earlobes the genotype of the parents must be?

If two parents with free earlobes have a child with attached earlobes, both parents must have the genotype of heterozygous (Ee) for earlobe shape. Free earlobes (E) is dominant over attached earlobes (e), so the presence of attached earlobes in their child indicates that both parents are carriers of the recessive allele for attached earlobes.

What ratio of genotypes and phenotypes are found after two heterozygous indivividual are crossed for a trait of earlobes?

When two heterozygous individuals (Ee) are crossed for a trait like earlobe shape where dominance is complete, the ratio of genotypes would be 1:2:1 for EE:Ee:ee, and the ratio of phenotypes would be 3:1 for attached earlobes (dominant) to free earlobes (recessive).

What is the phenotype of a man who has 2 parents with free hanging earlobes if one parent is homozygous and the other parent is heteroygous... what are his possible genotypes?

The man could have either free hanging or attached earlobes. His possible genotypes could be either homozygous for free hanging earlobes (LL) or heterozygous for free hanging and attached earlobes (Ll).

A child is born with attached earlobes but both parents have hanging earlobes. What are the genotypes and phenottypes fot the parents?

The parents would each have the genotype Ee (heterozygous for earlobe attachment) and the phenotype for hanging earlobes. The child inherited the attached earlobe allele from both parents, resulting in the AA genotype and the phenotype for attached earlobes.

Is it possible to have attached earlobes if both of your parents have unattached earlobes?

Yes it is your possibility if the parents were both heterozygous(having different alleles) or hybrid with Aa and Aa, the genotypic ratio would be 1:2:1 so if you put it in a punnet square there is a 25% chance of AA, 50% chance of Aa and 25% chance of aa.

What happens when a person receives on alle for attached earlobes and one for unattached earlobes?

If a person receives one allele for attached earlobes and one allele for unattached earlobes, they will have the trait of attached earlobes since it is dominant over unattached earlobes. The presence of the attached earlobe allele will determine the physical trait of the individual's earlobes.

What is the probability of having a child with an attached earlobe?

Whether or not the earlobe is attached is a genetically inherited trait and so you would need to look at earlobes in your, and your partner's, families.

Earlobes can be either attached or detached. The allele for attached earlobes is recessive and the allele for detached earlobes is dominant. What must be true is a boy is born with attached earlobes?

He has a homozygous genotype