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Fat in the hypodermis provides mechanical cushioning as well as insulation for the body.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

It acts as an energy reserve, as padding, and as heat-insulation.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

insulation and protection

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βˆ™ 9y ago

It acts as insulation for the body.

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Q: What is the function of fat tissue in the subcutaneous layer?
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In the skin the fat layer is also called?

In the skin, the fat layer is called the subcutaneous tissue or adipose tissue.

Describe the structure and function of the subcutaneous layer?

Subcutaneous TissueThe subcutaneous tissue is a layer of fat and connective tissue that houses larger blood vessels and nerves. This layer is important is the regulation of temperature of the skin itself and the body. The size of this layer varies throughout the body and from person to person.

Is subcutaneous adipose tissue located under the dermis or the epidermis?

Subcutaneous fat is the bottom layer

The subcutaneous layer is also called the hypodermis or the?

fatty tissue or subcutaneous fat

Which layer of the skin stores fat?

subcutaneous layer. its the third layer of skin made up of adipose tissue (fat) which is made up of adipocytes. it lies benath the dermis which lies beneath the epidermis, your outermost layer of skin.

What type of tissue is located in the subcutaneous layer?

The subcutaneous tissue is the loose, connective tissue directly beneath the dermis. It is composed of adipose tissue or fat that is made up of lipocytes. These cells contain stored fat as an energy reserve. It also provides a layer of insulation to conserve internal body heat as well as a cushion to protect the bones and internal organs.

Which layer of skinstores fat?

The subcutaneous layer of skin stores fat. The subcutaneous layer is the third layer from the epidermis, which is the outside layer.

What is the name of the area just beneath the skin layer?

The area just beneath the skin layer is called the subcutaneous tissue, or subcutis. It is mainly composed of fat and connective tissue, providing insulation and cushioning for the body.

What are the structure and function of the subcutaneous layer?

The human skin is made up of three basic layers ; the epidermis (outer layer), the dermis(middle layer) beneath the epidermis and the subcutaneous layer beneath the dermis. The subcutaneous layers are fat cells and connective tissue that carry the blood vessels and nerves. It is located below the epidermis and the dermis, in that order, and is the third and final layer and consists primarily of loose connective tissue and lobules of fat.

Do humans have fatty layer under their skins?

Yes, humans have a layer of fatty tissue called subcutaneous fat located beneath the skin. This layer of fat serves various functions such as providing insulation, energy storage, and protection for organs.

What layer is a fatty tissue?

A fatty tissue is part of the subcutaneous layer, which is located beneath the skin. It functions to insulate the body and store energy in the form of fat deposits.

What is the third layer of called?

It goes troposhere then stratosphere then mesoshere then thermosphere