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Q: What is the end of a motor neuron called?
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What is the name of the point at which motor neuron synapses motor end plate?

The point at which a motor neuron synapses with a muscle fiber's motor end plate is called the neuromuscular junction. This is where the nerve impulse is transmitted from the motor neuron to the muscle fiber, leading to muscle contraction.

What is the first motor neuron in an autonomic pathway called?

The first motor neuron in an autonomic pathway is called a preganglionic neuron. It originates in the central nervous system and synapses with a postganglionic neuron in an autonomic ganglion.

What are the receptors called that are found on the end of the motor end plate?

The receptors found on the end of the motor end plate are called nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. These receptors respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine released from the motor neuron and play a crucial role in initiating muscle contraction.

What connects the motor neurons to the sensory neurons?

What connects sensory and motor neuron is the impulse called interneuron or connector neuron are connected by means of electrical impulse called synape from sensory to motor neuron.

Why is a neuron called an interneuron?

A neuron is called a inter-neuron because that specific neuron takes impulse from one neuron to a next neuron. For example your sensory neuron sends a impulse that you had felt a hot object. It goes through the spine to a inter-neuron to a motor neuron (this processes is called a reflex). Then the motor neuron tells your muscles in your hand to move

How does a motor neuron form a synapse with a muscle cell?

motor end plate

What motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates called?

the motor unit

What site where the motor neuron and muscle cell meet is called the?

The site where a motor neuron and muscle cell meet is called the neuromuscular junction. This is where the motor neuron releases neurotransmitters that signal the muscle cell to contract.

The response of a motor unit to a single action potential of its motor neuron is called?

The response of a motor unit to a single action potential of its motor neuron is called a muscle twitch. This involves the contraction of all the muscle fibers within the motor unit in response to the stimulation from the motor neuron.

The cardiac sphincter is found at the distal end of the?

Motor neuron

A motor neuron and the muscle fibers it controls are called?

the motor unit

The combination of a neuron and the muscle fibers it associates with is called?

The combination of a neuron and the muscle fibers it associates with is called a motor unit. Motor units work together to produce movement by having the neuron stimulate the muscle fibers it innervates to contract.