A person with an eidetic memory mentally reproduces images or scenes in his mind so vividly, that his mind doesn't notice the difference between it and reality, whereas people with a photographic memory can tell the difference.
Eidetic imagery is the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in great detail and with high precision after seeing them for a brief period of time. People with eidetic memory can retain vivid mental images for a longer period than the average person.
concrete imagery is where the implicit reticence of an empirical verb past/present participle of a understandable colloquial is undoubtedly infallible. abstract is the contrary.
Kinetic imagery involves describing movement and action, while static imagery focuses on describing stillness or a single moment in time. Kinetic imagery creates a sense of energy and dynamism, while static imagery evokes a sense of calmness or stability.
Vivid nouns produce distinct mental imagery for readers.
acutually imaginary and art are pretty much the same because you have to imagine a picture before you can draw it
Kinetic imagery refers to imagery that evokes a sense of movement or action, often related to visual or auditory sensations. Kinesthetic imagery, on the other hand, involves evoking a sense of physical movement or sensation within the body, such as feelings of balance, tension, or relaxation. Essentially, kinetic imagery is external movement while kinesthetic imagery is internal physical sensation.
Sensory refers to the physical senses, such as sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch, while imagery refers to mental pictures or visual descriptions. Sensory experiences involve the actual stimulation of the senses, while imagery involves creating mental images using words.
Sensory poems focus on engaging the reader's senses by describing sensory experiences, such as sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. On the other hand, imagery poems use vivid and descriptive language to create mental images that evoke emotions or convey deeper meanings. While sensory poems appeal to the senses directly, imagery poems aim to paint a picture in the reader's mind.
Imagery versus MetaphorImagery- Language that appeals to the senses (As I bit into the ripe, juicy watermelon, juice gushed down my chin) Metaphor- A comparison that makes a comparison between two or more dissimilar things (Most of my friends are night owls;I am an early bird).While imagery and metaphor are very specific language devices, metaphors often rely on imagery to make the comparison. So, metaphors can be imagery, but not all imagery are metaphors.