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Q: What is the act of fleeing or running away to escape danger or expected evil?
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Related questions

What does it mean when fleeing from danger or justice?

Fleeing from danger means trying to escape from a threatening situation to protect oneself. Fleeing from justice means evading legal consequences or avoiding punishment for a crime by running away from law enforcement or the authorities.

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How do red tailed hawks escape danger?

red tailled hawks escape danger by flying high into the sky

What is running away from time?

You can't run away from time. You might be able to run away in time, however, which would mean, running away early enough to escape some unspecified danger.

Was the escape in Numbering the Stars real?

No it wasn't real, but people were fleeing from Hitler at the time. Christians were taking in Jewish people all the time, and then running away from Hitler. Many Jewish people were rescued like this.

What was the name of an organized escape plan for southern slaves fleeing their owners?

underground railroads

What does a coati do everyday?

Coatis can climb, and will fight if attacked. Normally they prefer to escape however, by running and climbing up out of danger.

When was Danger Tomorrow created?

Escape to Danger was created in 1943.

Why are jaguars near danger?

because their to white to jump a fence to escape danger!

How do you stop Cresselia from fleeing?

It will keep fleeing unless you have a Pokemon with Mean Look or something like that so it won't escape. Try catching a wild Golbat. The same is for Mespirit.