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it is an elevation of j point, which is the junction between QRS and ST. This elevation makes the ECG looks like ST elevation and might be misinterpreted as AMI. For the proper management of chest pain, please refer to the local guideline.

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Q: What is high take off ecg?
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You need to go to a qualified physician for an answer to this question, not to a website which cannot guarantee the accuracy of answers or the credentials of those giving answers.

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Why are ECG and pulse rates similar?

both are telling you how often the heart is beating. an ecg simply gives you more information. the spike on an ecg (qrs complex) is the heart contracting an refilling. when you take a pulse, you're feeling the heart beat blood.

What is the full form of ecg scan?

ECG stands for ElectroCardioGram

How an ECG is obtained from a patient?

An ECG is obtained by attaching electrodes to specific locations on a patient's chest, arms, and legs. These electrodes detect the electrical activity of the heart, which is then recorded as a graph showing the heart's rhythm and any potential abnormalities. The ECG procedure is quick, painless, and non-invasive, and provides valuable information about the heart's function.

When does a person suffers from ECG?

Never. An ECG is a test, not an illness or disease.

An ECG provides imformation about what?

An ECG provides information about the wearer of the ECG's heartrate and rhythm of the heart. It provides information about wether it is normal or abnormal.

What does a peaked T wave indicate on an electrocardiogram (ECG)?

A peaked T wave on an electrocardiogram (ECG) indicates that there may be an abnormality in the heart's electrical activity, which could be a sign of hyperkalemia (high levels of potassium in the blood) or other heart conditions.

The portion of the ECG that corresponds to atrial depolarization is the?

P wave corresponds to atrial depolarization in an ECG.