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The term means to act against and it is often used when talking about muscle actions. When one muscle or groups of muscles contracts, the opposite acing muscles must relax. These are called antagonists of each other. When the Biceps Brachii flexes the forearm, the Triceps Brachii must relax.

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Q: What is an antagonist in anatomy?
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What is the antagonist of orbicularis oculi?

According to Gray's Anatomy(1918) by Henry Gray (1821–1865), in Anatomy of the Human Body, chapter 4b. The Muscles of the Eyelid, the antagonist of the orbicularis oculi is the levator palpebrae.

What does an antagonist?

In literature, an antagonist is a character, group of characters, or an institution which opposes the protagonist, the main character(s). The antagonist struggles against, opposes, or competes with the protagonist. In biochemistry, the antagonist is a substance that interferes with or inhibits the physiological action of another. In anatomy, the antagonist is a muscle whose action counteracts that of another specified muscle. In pharmacology, the antagonist is a drug that counteracts the effects of another drug.

What do antagonist do?

In literature, an antagonist is a character, group of characters, or an institution which opposes the protagonist, the main character(s). The antagonist struggles against, opposes, or competes with the protagonist. In biochemistry, the antagonist is a substance that interferes with or inhibits the physiological action of another. In anatomy, the antagonist is a muscle whose action counteracts that of another specified muscle. In pharmacology, the antagonist is a drug that counteracts the effects of another drug.

What is a antagonist?

An antagonist is a character in a story or a force that acts in opposition to the protagonist. They create conflict and obstacles for the main character.

What is the antagonist of the orbicularis oris?

The antagonist of the orbicularis oris muscle is the depressor anguli oris muscle. It is responsible for depressing the angle of the mouth, which opposes the action of the orbicularis oris muscle that closes and puckers the lips.

Anagonist defininition in human anatomy?

In human anatomy, an antagonist is a muscle that opposes the action of another muscle, which is called the agonist. Antagonist muscles work in coordination with agonist muscles to produce smooth and controlled movements around joints. They help to stabilize the joint and prevent excessive or uncontrolled movement.

What is an antagonist in medicine?

In medicine, an antagonist is a substance that interferes with or inhibits the physiological action of another substance. Antagonists are often used to block receptors or inhibit the effects of certain neurotransmitters or drugs in the body. Examples include beta-blockers, which are antagonists of beta-adrenergic receptors.

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Why does antagonist want to harm protagonist?

If antagonist did not want to harm protagonist, he wouldn't be antagonist. His opposition to protagonist is what makes him antagonist.

What is a bad guy in a story called?

Antagonist or villain.

Who is the antagonist of Flipped?

Bryce is the antagonist.

Who is the antagonist in Fences?

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