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The Great (Type 2) Alveolar cells secrete pulmonary surfactant and prevent the cells from collasping.

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14y ago

The fluid is call. Surfactant is commonly deficient in premature babies, and is injected into their airways to help them breathe

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12y ago

Surfactant, a phospholipid, mainly containing dipalmitoyl-lecithin.

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Q: What is a phosphlolipid that lowers the surface tension of the alveoli preventing them from collapsing?
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What keep the alveoli from collapsing?

Alveoli does not collapse because lungs always have a residual volume which prevents the alveoli to collapse.

What is the protein fat compound that creates surface tension and keeps the walls of the alveoli from collapsing?


How are septal cells involved in keeping alveoli from collapsing?

They produce surfactant, a substance that reduces surface tension. Alveoli are very small, only 80 nanometers wide, and are flat. Therefore they have a tendency to curl up. The surfactant reduces this tendency, hence keeps the alveoli from collapsing.

What is an example of an organism that benefits from reducing surface tension?

Humans benefit greatly from the work of Pulmonary surfactant which reduces the surface tension in the alveoli of the lungs. This reduction in alveolar surface tension prevents the alveoli from collapsing and thus causing suffocation.

What is the function of the surface of fluid lining the alveolar?

The fluid lining the inner alveolar membrane is called surfactant. It helps reduce the surface tension in the alveoli, which prevents them from collapsing in on themselves every time we exhale.

The condition of newborns called respiratory distress syndrome is caused by?

RDS is caused by deficiency of surfactant a substance which lowers surface tension and prevents the alveoli from collapsing. It is common in premature babies.

Surfactant helps to prevent the alveoli from collapsing by what?

Interfering with the cohesiveness of water molecules, thereby reducing the surface tension of alveolar fluid.

What describes the role of surfactant in the respiratory system?

Surfactant helps reduce surface tension within the alveoli, thus preventing each alveolus from callapsing as air moves in and out during respiration.

Why do alveoli die in emphysema?

Destruction of alveoli reduces the surface area for gas exchange

The surface tension exerted by water in the alveoli prevent collapse of the alveoli during exhalation?


What is the name of the respiratory surface in humans?

It is the lining of the alveoli that acts as our respiratory surface.

Organelle has a large amount of surface area?

The Alveoli