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main ingredients in proteins

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14y ago

The lungs don't separate oxygen from nitrogen. The air enters the bloodstream as the oxygen/nitrogen mix breathed in. The oxygen gets used by the cells and replaced with carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide/nitrogen mix is returned to the lungs and expelled.

Nitrogen in the bloodstream is the primary cause of what is known as "the bends" in divers. The rapid decrease in pressure caused by rising too fast from deep water causes nitrogen molecules to expand and accumulate in a diver's joints, causing extreme pain. Compression, an increase in pressure, is the only way to alleviate the bends, either by returning to a deeper depth or by spending time in a compression chamber.

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13y ago

Nitrogen is essential in the human body, it is needed to make up amino acids, which in turn make up proteins. It is also needed to make nucleic acids, which form DNA and RNA It is used to make carbohydrates. Without protein and DNA we would not be alive, both of which need nitrogen. It is essential for us.

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11y ago

By breathing. It's in the air.

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Q: What happens to nitrogen that enters the body while breathing?
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How do animals get their nitrogen they need?

well, herbivores eat plants (which have nitrogen in them due to help from nitrogen fixating bacteria) then other animals eat herbivores. Since animals are heterotrophs they have to get their nutrients from other organisms.

If nitrogen is so abundant in our atmosphere compared to oxygen why aren't there nitrogen breathing lifeforms?

Because really, Nitrogen in its gas from is a very inert substance. Even Legume plants that "fix" nitrogen in the air expend a lot of energy doing so. So in a way it's more worth while using oxygen, which is more reactive than nitrogen.

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Tidal volume breathing refers to the amount of air that enters and leaves the lungs during a single breath while at rest. It is typically around 500 mL for an average adult. Tidal volume is important for delivering oxygen to the body's tissues and removing carbon dioxide.

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Talking and swallowing at the same time can result in choking or aspiration, where food or liquid enters the airway instead of the esophagus. This can lead to coughing, difficulty breathing, and in severe cases, aspiration pneumonia. It is important to avoid talking while swallowing to prevent these complications.

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The wavelength of light decreases as it enters a glass slab from air. This is because the speed of light is slower in glass than in air, causing the frequency of the light to remain constant while its wavelength decreases.

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One of the most common reasons is because you are breathing through your mouth while you sleep. This most often happens when you have a cold.

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while breathing

What happens if you mix nitrogen with argon?

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What is the diffrence between fixed nitrogen and free nitrogen?

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Should you rise in the court when its called out what happens if you don't?

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