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The Family of bacteria MRSA belong to Staphylococcus.

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MRSA belongs to Staphylococcus.

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Q: What family of bacteria does MRSA belong to?
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What microbe causes MRSA?

does MRSA cause bacteria

Is the bacteria MRSA pathogenic or non pathogenic?

MRSA bacteria are pathogenic, this is the name given to a group of bacteria that belong to the Staphylococcus aureus family of bacteria which have grown resistant to methicillin-type antibiotics. MRSA stands for: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Staphyloccocus aureus bacteria are often carried on people's skin and sometimes in their noses and back of their throats. People carrying the bacteria who are healthy are said to be colonized, but not infected. The bacteria, however, can cause serious infections, such as pneumonia, blood, bone and surgical wound infections, as well as less serious infections such as impetigo, cellulitis and small abscesses or boils under the right conditions.

What is septic MRSA?

Septic (sepsis) MRSA means that the MRSA bacteria has entered into the blood.

What is the MRSA colonized resident?

MRSA colonized resident means that the person is a carrier of the MRSA bacteria.

Does apple cider vinegar kill MRSA bacteria?

what vinegars will kill mrsa

Is MRSA a virus?

MRSA is still very rare and will not be in the air. Some studies do talk of the 'MRSA' cloud that can be around an MRSA sufferer, who is ill enough that they do not move very much. An MRSA carrier who may not be ill from the bacteria but has symptoms of respitory infection that lead them to sneeze and cough can project the the MRSA bacteria all around them.

What family is bacteria in?

Bacteria belong to the domain Bacteria, which is a separate domain from Archaea and Eukarya. Within the domain Bacteria, there are various families, such as Enterobacteriaceae, Bacillaceae, and Streptococcaceae, which classify different groups of bacteria based on their characteristics.

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What is an mrsa?

mrsa means multiple resistant staphylococus aureus. Is a bacteria which is resistant to several antibiotics

Can you have throat MRSA?

The throat is a location in the body that MRSA bacteria lives (another location is the nose and groin areas). Although having the bacteria in these locations, doesn't necessarily mean a MRSA infection. MRSA infection can spread into the throat and cause serious conditions.

Which family does sarcina belong to?

it is part of the coccus family.the coccus family is a family of bacteria that are spherical.

What kingdom does Gloeocapsa bacteria belong to?

Gloeocapsa bacteria belong to the kingdom Bacteria.