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Taken by itself, without the benefit of a history and physical, a high abs mono result on a CBC has no meaning. Talk with your health care provider about whether this finding has clinical significance in your particular case.

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Q: What does a high reading of abs mono mean?
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What does low abs mono mean?

Taken by itself, without the benefit of a history and physical, a low abs mono result on a CBC has no meaning. Talk with your health care provider about whether this finding has clinical significance in your particular case.

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dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and anemia and that is severe, to make the levels drop so much

What is mono abs blood test?

Typically "Mono Abs" on a blood test is the absolute number of monocytes, one of the white blood cells. In contrast, a mono antibody test will typically be labeled something like EBV IgM or EBV IgG for Epstein Barr Virus antibodies.

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High segs on a blood test is an elevated neutrophil count. It means that a bacterial infection is present in your body. High abs means you have an elevated white blood cell count and infection or leukemia is present.

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check all abs connections if all are good car needs to be scanned to see if all 4 abs sensors have a reading and are equal if any varie or are not comunitcating suspect faulty abs sensor

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ABS stands for Amateur Butt Slapping.

What does it mean when the ASB light comes on?

Assuming you mean ABS light, the ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) light is on because the ABS module detects a problem with the ABS system. The light will remain on until the problem is fixed. As long as the ABS light is illuminated the ABS system will not function.

What does ABS light on in 2001 oldsmobile mean?

The ABS light is on because the ABS module detects a problem with the ABS system. Until the problem is fixed the ABS function will not operate and the light will remain on.

What does a high baso-auto ABS mean?

A BASO test is a blood test. If the results come back with high BASO levels, it means that the person has an excess amount of sodium in their blood.