I'm not sure if you're talking about the eyelid or the epicanthic fold.
epicanthus (singular)
The hairy arch above your eye is called the eyebrow. It is a strip of hair that grows above each eye that helps protect the eyes from sweat, debris, and sunlight.
no, they have it right above the eye in the sophilus maximos gland.
no, they have it right above the eye in the sophilus maximos gland.
LASIK and cataract surgery can be performed using Femtosecond laser system. This system is useful for cutting a flap of skin off of the front of the eye for some laser surgeries.
The area from the crease of the eye to right below the eyebrow is the epipalpebral space. Epi means "above" and palpebral means eyelid.
The flap formed when LASIK surgery is performed is never fully healed. It will get to about 99-99.5% healed, but the flap is still able to be lifted even after 8-10 years. Some people will tell you that it is fully healed after 1 year, and at that point it pretty much is healed, but the flap will never contribute to the structural rigidity of the eye again.
A bald patch above your cat's eye could be caused by various reasons such as skin infections, allergies, parasites, or trauma. It is best to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
A bald spot above your cat's eye could be caused by various factors such as skin infections, allergies, parasites, or trauma. It is important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
As with any surgical procedure, there are various complication that can occur during the surgery while creating the flap that allows the doctor to enter the eye. There is also the possibility of puncturing the eye. After the procedure, further complications with the flap could occur as well as having dry eyes.
Possible causes of a bald spot above a cat's eye could include skin infections, allergies, trauma, or parasites like mites. It is important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
A possible cause of your cat having a bald spot above its eye could be a skin condition, such as an allergy, infection, or parasite infestation. It is important to consult a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.