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- (a middle aged bald man told me this) Most of the peasants were killed due to poor hygene - bla bla bla - there families died and left their possesions to their surviving relatives - bla- when it died down they were able to charge more for their hard labor because most of the peasants were dead.

more demand but less supply. (The one good thing i ever learned from a sustainablility class).

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Q: What did the peasants gain from the black death?
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Why was the black death is more significant than the peasants revolt?

Because of these points... : Although the Peasants revolt was very good for people in England, the Black Death affected people out of Britain because the terrible disease spread around the whole world. The Black Death had a bigger impact, as it affected as many people as 75 million, but the Peasants revolt killed an average of 3267 people. If it wasn't for the Black Death, there wouldn't have been a Peasants revolt, because so many deaths caused by the Black Death led to the peasants revolting. The Black Death had a bigger impact on more peoples lives because many people died and the peasants felt they were worth more so they rose against authority to gain freedom from their lords and to see if they could gain more power and improve their lives forever.

Why were wages high after the black death?

because before the black death there were lots of peasants to do labour but after the black death since so many of them had died it was harder to get work from the survivng peasants so the lords offered the peasants higher wages

What caused the peasants revol t?

The Black Death

What jobs did peasants have before and after the black death?

Before Black Death they had normal labor related work. After Black Death they had to clean the cities.

What changed England more the black death or the peasant's revolt?

The Black Death because this disease contributed to why the peasants revolted.!!!

What was the main events of the peasants revolt?

the black death and the war with France

What plague did wages rose and trade declined?

The Black Death caused the death of many peasants so they were in higher demand but there was less supply. The landlords had to pay the peasants more to keep them but eventually the government passed a law, i can't remember the name right now, which stopped peasants being paid more then a certain amount. This caused the peasants revolt. Trade declined after the Black Death as there were less crops, less traders and less peasants. Thanks!

How many rich people died in the black death?

upto 4000 rich people died in the black death. 1/3 of the population killed were peasants.

Did anyone gain from anything from the black death?

The vast loss of life left a great deal of land with no one to cultivate it. This improved the conditions under which peasants labored for nobility and thus tended to raise their standard of living.

Why were the medieval people angry after the black death?

They had to pay really high wages. The black death killed millions! They had to pay 50% more than usually. Peasants were rich!

Why the Statute of Labourers?

The Statute Of Labourers occured because of The Black Death and the fact that the peasants were angry so they

How did the black death affect lords?

The lords were forced to raise the amount of money the peasants could earn as after the black death, there were hardly any left. Also, the lords were buried in better tombs if they were killed from the black death, hope this helps