I will try to answer the question as I have guessed it. Suppose there is a blast on the earth. It will emit light. This light will travel with the speed of light. If you are also travelling away at the speed of light, you will be able to see the moment of blast only. Here the time has stopped for you. If you go with a speed just little less than light, you will see the event in very slow motion. If you happen to travel with the speed higher than light, you may go in the past. That means, you will be able to see the things those took place before the blast.
Einstein has stated that nothing goes faster than light.
But two objects can go away from each other. Like you had in big bang event. Together they can have the speed more than the speed of light.
In such case you can go in the past also. That means you can visualize the things that happened in the past.
Light does not come out of black hole due to extremely high density. So time gets frozen there.
it's that simple!!!
a vasodilator causes dilation of the blood vessels; a venodilator is a vasodilator that causes dilation of veins
An example of dilation might include the changes in a hose as water pressure builds and the hose expands. Dilation also occurs when darkness causes the pupil in the human eye to open.
Yes because of pupil dilation
Yes, there can.
atelectasia is the term used for lack of dilation of lungs or lung collapse because of obstruction by foreign body/mucus plug/tumor.Pneumothorax,lack of surfactant and pulmonary embolism are some other causes.
We do experience a form of time dilation in everyday life, but the effects are extremely small. Time dilation occurs due to differences in gravitational potential and velocities. In our daily lives, these differences are relatively insignificant compared to extreme situations, such as near a black hole or moving at speeds close to the speed of light, where the effects of time dilation become much more pronounced.
Time dilation always occurs, at ANY speed. The reason it was unknown for solong is that it doesn't become noticeable to us at any speed where we have anydaily experience. But as soon as we had atomic clocks capable of measuringinsanely tiny time differences, and began using them to look for time dilation,there it was, right in front of us, all over the place, in just the predicted amounts.
Substances like nitric oxide (NO), prostacyclin (PGI2), and adenosine can cause extreme dilation of arterioles and capillaries by promoting relaxation of smooth muscle cells in the blood vessel walls. This dilation increases blood flow to tissues and helps regulate blood pressure and tissue perfusion.
If the dilation is >0 but <1, it is a reduction. If it is any number >1, it is an enlargement.