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It turns pink when there is more acid in the environment when the fat is broken down into fatty acid.

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Q: What causes the litmus to change from purple to pink during fat digestion?
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Why does the litmus indicator change from blue to pink during fat hydrolysis?

During fat hydrolysis, the pH of the solution decreases as fatty acids are released. This acidic environment causes the litmus indicator to change from blue (indicating a basic pH) to pink (indicating an acidic pH).

What is thePurpose of the litmus solution in the fat digestion experiment?

The litmus solution is used in the fat digestion experiment to indicate changes in pH as a result of the breakdown of fats by lipase enzyme. When fats are broken down, fatty acids are released, which can lower the pH of the solution and cause the litmus paper to change color. This helps to visually demonstrate the process of fat digestion in the laboratory setting.

What does litmus turn into when there is an acid present?

Litmus turns red when an acid is present. This color change occurs because acids donate hydrogen ions, leading to a lower pH which causes the litmus paper to turn red.

Is dipping blue litmus paper in lemon juice physical or chemical?

Dipping blue litmus paper in lemon juice is a chemical change. The acidic nature of lemon juice causes a chemical reaction with the blue litmus paper, turning it red. This change in color indicates a chemical transformation of the litmus paper due to the interaction with the acid in the lemon juice.

What particle in Na-OH causes red litmus to turn blue?

It is the hydroxide ion (OH-) in sodium hydroxide (NaOH) that causes red litmus to turn blue. The hydroxide ion is a strong base and can accept protons from the acidic red litmus dye, resulting in a color change.

What would be the reaction of the red litmus paper in a shampoo?

It should do nothing to blue litmus, and it will turn red litmus a very soft purple, because it is barely basic

What color will an acid change litmus paper?

An acid will change litmus paper to red.

What happened to blue litmus paper when ammonia solution?

Blue litmus paper turns pink when exposed to ammonia solution due to the basic nature of ammonia. Ammonia reacts with water to produce hydroxide ions, which causes the litmus paper to change color.

What colour does litmus go in an alkali?

Color of litmus will change.Red litmus will change into blue.

What happens when blue litmus paper is dipped in vinegar solution?

Blue litmus paper turns red in vinegar solution because vinegar is acidic and pH below 7. The acidic solution causes the blue litmus paper to undergo a color change and turn red.

How would baking soda affect blue litmus paper?

Baking soda is a basic compound, so it would turn blue litmus paper red as it causes the paper to change color in the presence of a base.

What color does red litmus paper turn in Nitric Acid?

Red litmus paper will turn blue in nitric acid. Nitric acid is an acidic solution, so when it reacts with red litmus paper, it causes a color change to blue.