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Semen has several different enzymes in it. One of them causes it to become thinner and more watery after a certain period of time. This chemical reaction also causes the semen to become clear.

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Q: What causes semen to become clear?
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What color does semen dry?

Semen dries either clear or white.

Is semen a thick liquid like yellow floating over a thinner clear liquid?

semen should be a thick clear substance

Why would sperm be clear with white strings in it?

Semen is the clear while sperm is the white. The semen protects the sperm as it enters the vagina

What does it mean if you are a women and your semen is clear?

Well If youre a woman you should not have any semen. so if you have semen you are a man.

Clear sperm or white is more effective?

Semen is the collective of sperm and seminal fluids. Clear semen has very little or no sperm, hence its lack of colour. Semen that has sperm in it, will be white.

You are 11 years old and your sperm is clear. Is this okay?

This is normal. The white colouring of semen is caused by sperm, which you're not producing yet. One you're well into puberty, you'll find your semen will become whiter.

Is it normal for a 44 year old man to have clear sperm?

You mean 'Semen', not sperm. Sperm are invisible and semen is the liquid that carries sperm cells out of the man's body. Yes, clear semen is normal. So is white, cloudy semen.

Is clear stuff in your white semen bad?

No it is not.

Why is semen clear?

Normal semen, the ejaculate fluid that contains sperm, nutrients and lubrication is clear to white. Yellow, pink or red blood tinged ejaculate is a sign of infection and should be evaluated by a health care provider.

what is problem of drinking semen causes any health problems for men there own semen?

Consuming your own semen will do you no harm.

What are the causes of releasing semen?

wet dreams

Who does semen look like?

Semen is a whitish, cloudy liquid - it may be almost clear, or very milky and thick.