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1.) Lie down in a quiet room - make sure your clothing is loose/ comfortable.

2.) Roll your eyes up into your head, and if possible keep them there. If you can't do this comfortably, then fix your gaze on some point slightly above your natural line of sight - focus on this point.

3.) Slowly inhale/ exhale deeply five or six times whilst deliberately letting all your muscles go slack.

4.) Starting from your toes, slowly and deliberately, concentrate on keeping each part of your body absolutely still: work your way gradually upwards from toes to feet to ankles, calves, knees, thighs, buttocks, lower back, upper back/ chest, neck etc until you reach the top of your head. Throughout this process breath slowly and deeply.

5.) If your eyes start to feel tired, let your eyelids close; if not, maintain your focus on the fixed point or keep your eyes rolled up in your head.

6.) Focus on one of your arms; tell yourself it's getting lighter and lighter... keep repeating this over and over... and eventually your hand/ arm will start to move up into the air. If you persist, eventually your arm will be raised fully as if "suspended" by an invisible wire. You are hypnotized...

7.) Imagine a black velvet curtain in front of you. Look at it, and then imagine that your arm is pushing into the folds of the curtain: if it moves to do so, let it happen - push into your curtain, imagining its softness enfolding your arm. Tell yourself that you are becoming sleepy; let your arm fall gently back to your side, and imagine yourself suspended in a safe, warm, dark place. If you've managed all this then you are in a deep trance.

8.) Lie quietly - you will either fall asleep and awaken naturally after maybe an hour or two, or emerge from your trance spontaneously after a short time, probably no more than 15-20 minutes. You can not be "stuck" in hypnosis - one way or another, you will eventually emerge from your trance, and be fine.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Watches used to be used because it was quite common for people to have pocket watches (it no longer is) and watches were convenient objects to use to focus your attention, but you can use lots of things. Some people are more easily hypnotized than others, but if you are susceptible to hypnotism, then yes, you can use a watch, or anything else you want to use. It is not the object that matters, but the technique.

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13y ago

watch a little tv... works for me every time

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9y ago

Yes. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

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Can you hypnotize some 1 2 be a sex slave?

yes you, if you can hypnotize properly or ask some one :):):)