HIV is BSL-2 pathogen. Workers require a reasonble level of training and must be supervised. A BSL-2 lab must have a biological safety cabinet. HIV is considered a low risk pathogen because it is hard to catch in a lab environment if precautions are taken with sharps such as needle and scalpel blades. Negative pressure is not required and lab coats and protective googles are the only protective gear required.
yes pepsi does have HIV, you must be very careful...
No it will not. HIV must be specifically tested for.
You must be tested.
No, you must have contact with bodily fluids that are infected with HIV.
In order to contract HIV from blood, it must be infected with the virus. Otherwise, you will not contract HIV.
There is a specific blood test for HIV which is used for diagnosis.
Semen is not used to test for HIV. Currently it is blood testing only.
No, HIV is not checked in routine blood tests. The test must be specifically ordered.
The term is HIV positive.
If neither person has HIV then neither will get it from each other. HIV can only survive in the human body (it dies quickly outside it) so if neither person has HIV it will not suddenly appear. There must be someone who has HIV for it be spread in the first place.
They must not be just sure, they must be HIV Positive.
No. In order to contract HIV you would also have to have had contact with their blood or semen.