It could me any measure of volume per time. In the USA it is commonly measured as Cubic-Feet per Second.
Discharge line
Discharge line
The expansion device inside the outside unit expands the refrigerant gas and as a result, the discharge lines chills
a discharge of a stream is the amount of water flowing past a certain point in a given unit of time.
CDI unit (which is the abbreviation of the "Capacitor Discharge Igniter")
Read his Discharge Documents. The documents will indicate his unit. Obtain the unit history. Read the unit history.
The milliampereshours unit of a mobile battery represents the duration that the battery will take to either charge or discharge.
how long discharge and suction pipe shuold be for small 1-2 TR airconditioning units?
how long discharge and suction pipe shuold be for small 1-2 TR airconditioning units?
The discharge of a river is the discharge that the river puts out into the sea. This is often the finer silt that the river has picked up and carried from the upper and lower reaches of the river.
Check the Unit he was in most of units have a historianwho should have the info.