Yes, tobacco smoke contains harmful chemicals such as carcinogens that can damage cells, leading to uncontrolled cell division and potentially causing cancer. Prolonged exposure to these chemicals increases the risk of developing serious diseases like lung cancer, throat cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. It is important to avoid tobacco smoke exposure to reduce these health risks.
The elements that make covalent bonds are non-metal and non-metal chemicals
Graviola is a small tree used to make medicine. It contains many chemicals that work against cancer but is not proven to cure cancer.
what can cause the cell cycle to be uncontrolled is that if a pathogen gets into the cell the cell will turn into a cancer cell and that will make the cell cycle uncontrolledif your cell turns into a cancer cell then you will have cancer cells reproducing faster than a normal cell(a normal cell is supposed to reproduce every 22 hour's a cancer cell reproduces every 10 hours)
Allows scientists to induce a cell to make needed chemicals.
I am no expert, but I remember very clearly his section of my biology class. Basically, cells go through a few phases when they divide. Once a cell has officially replicated itself, it goes through a checking process to make sure that the new cell has the proper genetic make up and that no mistakes were made in the replication process. In cancer cells, this process is skipped. The "healthy" cells make "unhealthy" cancer cells, but don't realize it. The healthy cell then dies off because there is a cell to replace it. However, the cell taking its place is a cancer cell. The cancer cell then divides and makes more cancer cells. This is how cancer grows and replaces healthy tissue. Also, because the cells don't take the time to make sure the cell was replicated properly in the cancer process, the cancer cells grow faster because they don't stop to double check that their growth is proper.
The six elements that make up 98% of the cell are hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur. These elements are essential for building biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates that are crucial for cell structure and function.
Cancer is made of atoms, which are the basic building blocks of all matter, including elements. The atoms in cancer cells interact to form molecules, which make up the structure and function of cells.
Because there are really bad chemicals in plastic. Don't freeze water bottles or leave them out in the sun because the chemicals leak into the water that you consume.
There is a few that make your skin pigment and can cuase cancer relating scares
red blood cell
Yes, they do. Chemicals are applied to your hair to change the hair cell to make it curl.