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Hydrogenated lipids are also known as fats or oils. Hydrogenated lipids were treated with hydrogen and are not as healthy as other alternatives.

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11y ago

The lipid becomes more solid. Butter and lard are hydrogenated lipids or saturated fats. The carbon to carbon bonds are saturated with hydrogen.

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Any lipid that is hydrogenated. Having single carbon carbon bonds lets all the hydrogen bond and allows the lipid to remain a solid at room temperature.

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Hydrogenated oil is far worse.

Why are hydrogenated food products not healthier than non hydrogenated?

Hydrogenated food products are not healthier than non hydrogenated food products because the oils are not used in their natural state. They go through manufacturing processes that alter them and make them harmful to the human body.

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A fat that is hydrogenated is harmful to your health. This is an artificial fat which is made by adding hydrogen to oil.

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What does non hydrogenated mean?

Non-hydrogenated means that a product does not contain hydrogenated oils, which are often used in food processing to increase shelf life and improve texture. Non-hydrogenated oils are considered healthier because they do not contain harmful trans fats that can increase the risk of heart disease.