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Q: What are examples of passive transport?
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Osmosis and diffusion are examples of passive transport?

Yes, osmosis and diffusion are both examples of passive transport.

What are two examples of passive transport?

Two examples of passive transport are simple diffusion, where molecules move across a membrane from an area of high concentration to low concentration, and facilitated diffusion, where molecules move across a membrane with the help of specific transport proteins.

Energy is blank from the cell for passive transport?

Energy is not required for passive transport, as it occurs naturally due to the concentration gradient without the cell expending energy. Examples of passive transport include simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis.

What are some examples of passive transport?

diffusion facilitated diffusion osmosis

12 Osmosis and diffusion are both examples of passive transport?


Describe two examples where active transport occurs and two where passive transport occurs?

never mind

What is the name of the process of how things get in and out of the cell?

The process by which substances enter and exit the cell is called cellular transport. It primarily occurs through two main mechanisms: passive transport, which does not require energy, and active transport, which requires energy expenditure by the cell. Examples of passive transport include diffusion and osmosis, while examples of active transport include endocytosis and exocytosis.

What are examples of passive transport and active transport?

Proteins that carry out passive transport include channel proteins and carrier proteins. Passive transport is "passive" because it does not use energy. The use of passive transport is also called "facilitated diffusion." Proteins that carry out passive transport includes the proton pump and the sodium-potassium pump; these require energy to function.

Is transport proteins active transport or passive transport?


Define and examples of diffusion and indicate why it is also called passive transport?

its the way the body is

Facilitated diffusion is a example of?

Passive transport & follow me on Twitter at BruhMann_

What kind of transport across a membrane does not require energy?

Passive transport does not require energy as it allows molecules to move across a membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Examples of passive transport include diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion.