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Sperm cells become potent around the age of seventeen and eighteen.

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Q: What age is sperm more potent at?
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Does sperm become ineffective if it is kept in the mans testicles for too long so in other words should an mans sperm be recyled often to be potent?

if a guy does not release sperm for long periods of time the sperm will natrually come out of the body by its self there for sperm is constantly renewing wether it is at its maximum compacity or not

Teenage go to a sperm bank?

Most sperm banks do have age limits. Most of the time, the concern is on the upper end of the age range - where sperm donors are often restricted after the age of forty. However there would certainly be a concern for legality at the lower end of the age range as well. That said, eighteen and nineteen year old males have been quite prolific sperm donors in many places around the world. I am not aware of any younger sperm donors, but I suppose if the age of consent were younger in certain places or perhaps if parental permission were given it might be done. If a teenager were dealing with an illness that might render him sterile, exceptions would most certainly be made in such a case to store up some of his sperm for use later in life. But that would be though payment of the family and not for general donation. It is generally believed that younger sperm is more vital and potent than older sperm (thus the frequent cut off age at forty.) And under this theory, teenage sperm would be well sought-after. However, there are concerns about the maturity of younger teens (not their ability to impregnate, but their emotional development - and their legal status) that prevent most sperm banks from accepting sperm donations from those younger than eighteen. At eighteen and beyond, the sperm is still quite good for this purpose so there is little need to go much younger.

What age do you get sprem?

what age do most people get sperm

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Can a guy ever run out of sperm?

No, a man does not run out of sperm. His body continuously produces sperm throughout his life, although the quantity and quality of sperm may decrease with age.

Safe to release sperm at which age?

at age 12 i done it

Do you get old when a lots of sperm came out?

Ejaculating a lot of sperm has no effect on your age.

At what age for a female do you produce sperm?

females do not produce sperm

When do you know you have sperm?

If you are male past the age of puberty, and stil alive, you have sperm.

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