Woody Allen, Tony Benn, Bob Dylan, Joseph Erber, Bobby Fischer, Bill Gates, Genie, Crispin Glover, Al Gore, Jeff Greenfield, David Helfgott, Michael Jackson, Garrison Keillor, Kevin Mitnick, John Motson, John Nash, Keith Olbermann, Michael Palin, Keanu Reeves, Oliver Sacks, James Taylor,Albert Einstein
???? different person???
i just, what to say i looked up un some websites about autism... it said bill gates is probably not autistic.
Adam Young, multi-instrumentalist, producer and the founder of the electronic project Owl City.
Adrian Lamo, American computer hacker
Carl Soderholm, speaker in neuropsychiatric disorders
Clay Marzo, American professional surfer
Craig Nicholls, frontman of the Australian garage rock band, The Vines
Dan Aykroyd, comedian and actor: Aykroyd stated he has Asperger's, but some feel he was joking.
Daniel Tammet, British autistic savant, believed to have Asperger Syndrome
Daryl Hannah, actress
Dawn Prince-Hughes, PhD, primate anthropologist, ethologist, and author of Songs for the Gorilla Nation
Gary Numan, British singer and songwriter
Heather Kuzmich, fashion model and reality show contestant on America's Next Top Model
James Durbin, finalist on the tenth season of American Idol
Jerry Newport, American author and mathematical savant, basis of the film Mozart and the Whale
John Elder Robison, author of Look Me in the Eye
Judy Singer, Australian disability rights activist
Liane Holliday Willey, author of Pretending to be Normal, Asperger Syndrome in the Family; Asperger syndrome advocate; education professor; and adult diagnosed with Asperger syndrome at age 35
Lizzy Clark, actress and campaigner
Luke Jackson, author
Michael Burry, US investment fund manager
Nicky Reilly, failed suicide bomber from Britain
Paddy Considine, actor
Peter Howson, Scottish painter
Phillipa "Pip" Brown (aka Ladyhawke), indie rock musician
Raymond Thompson, New Zealand scriptwriter and TV producer
Richard Borcherds, mathematician specializing in group theory and Lie algebras
Robert Durst, American real estate developer accused of murder
Robert Napper, British murderer
Satoshi Tajiri, creator and designer of Pokemon
Tim Ellis, Australian magician and author
Tim Page, Pulitzer Prize-winning critic and author
Travis Meeks, lead singer, guitarist and song writer for acoustic rock band Days of the New.
Vernon L. Smith, Nobel Laureate in Economics
William Cottrell, student who was sentenced to eight years in jail for fire-bombing SUV dealerships
There's no such thing as mild autism, a person is either autistic or they are not - how autism effects them can change throughout their lives. Famous autistic people include Courtney Love, Travis Meeks, Ladyhawke, Adam Young, Temple Gradin, Daryl Hannah, Satoshi Tajiri, Marty Balin, Gary Newman, and recently Jerry Seinfeld has come out to say he suspects he's autistic.
British celebrities who are Autistic (not 'have autism') include Susan Boyle, there are other famous people with Autism in the UK but not who I'd consider 'celebrities'. Very few Autistic people are 'out' in the public eye, it will be some time before more people feel safe to admit they're Autistic.
Not in the slightest. He simply did a great job of acting like an autistic adult -- which is why he is called an "actor."
The actor Atticus Shaffer is not described as having autism or Asperger's Syndrome (AS), and details about him do not make it seem likely. The character he plays on the television series The Middle, Brick, is "quirky" and has symptoms that make it seem possible that the character has an autism spectrum disorder, but the character is not identified as having one on the show.
Infantile Autism is when a baby or toddler (an Infant) has autism.
Biologial. Autism is neurodevelopmental. There are hereditary and genetic ties to autism.
No, Jedward do not have autism.
Autism can be inherited from parents with genes for autism. Autism can also be the result of the spontaneous mutation of a gene. It is suspected that a person with the genes for autism might need an environmental factor (in the womb or shortly after birth) to trigger the development of autism.
he does have autism
No, autism is rare and not contagious.
Autism is not an intellectual or a psychological problem. Autism is a neurological difference.
no it did not cause autism, birth defects cause autism
the condition is autism Autism is a disibilty itself