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Her focus on finding a purpose to the pattern in the wallpaper

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Q: What actions of the narrator show that her mental state is beginning to deteriorate?
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What actions of the narrator show that her mental state is beginning to deteriorate in the book the yellow wallpaper?

her focus on finding a purpose to the pattern in the wallpaper

How does a reader know that the narrator's mental state has begun to deteriorate?

She becomes obsessed with finding a pattern in the wallpaper’s design.

A sentence for deteriorate?

Mr. Johnson's mental faculties had begun to deteriorate; he could no longer remember the name of his pet fish.

What structure element does the author use to establish the mental state of the narrator?

The author uses the narrator's thoughts, emotions, and internal monologue to establish the mental state of the narrator. This can include descriptions of the narrator's feelings, beliefs, and perceptions, as well as how they interpret and react to the events in the story.

What is the difference between a physical and mental verb?

Physical verbs describe actions that involve movement or tangible actions performed by the body, such as run, jump, or eat. Mental verbs, on the other hand, describe actions related to cognitive processes or mental states, such as think, believe, or remember.

What is the description of mental illnesses?

The term "mental illness" refers to someone who has a mental (brain) related deficiency. Some of these mental illnesses affect your mood, behavior or actions.

Is the narrator reliable in the story the tell tale heart?

The reliability of the narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" is questionable due to their mental state and actions. The narrator's erratic behavior and obsession with the old man's eye cast doubt on their version of events and truthfulness. Ultimately, the narrator's guilt manifests as auditory hallucinations, further calling into question their reliability.

What prediction can be made about what will happen to the narrator on The Tell-Tale Heart?

Based on the narrator's increasing paranoia, irrational behavior, and guilt, it can be predicted that the narrator's conscience will ultimately drive him to confess his crime or suffer a mental breakdown.

How does the narrator in A Roses for Emily feel about her?

The narrator in "A Rose for Emily" provides a mix of pity, curiosity, and judgment toward Emily. While the narrator sympathizes with her circumstances, there is also a sense of intrigue into her mysterious life and decisions, all underlined by an undercurrent of criticism for her actions.

Is mental processes outward behavior?

Mental processes refer to internal cognitive activities such as thoughts, emotions, and perceptions, while outward behavior refers to observable actions. While mental processes can influence outward behavior, they are not the same thing. Mental processes provide the foundation for behavior but they do not always directly translate into observable actions.

What is the narrator's mental state in The Tell-Tale Heart?

The narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" exhibits signs of paranoia, obsession, and madness. His mental state deteriorates throughout the story as his guilt over committing murder consumes him, leading to his confession in a fit of manic desperation.

What does the narrator's obsession with finding a pattern in the wallpaper tell the reader about her character apex?

That her mental state is deteriorating