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In that case, I would suspect that the culture ordered from the lab repors only >10^5 CFU, and a lower level of E coli was present in the urinary tract -- enough to cause a positive nitrate, but not enough to be reported as "UTI" on the culture.

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Q: What about a positive nitrate in urine- but uti is ruled out?
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What causes nitrate in urine?

Nitrate in the urine indicates that there might be bacteria in your urinary tract or in your bladder. As such, nitrate tests are used to quickly assess whether a person may have a UTI (urinary tract infection) for example. If nitrate is found, no matter the hypothesized cause, other medical tests usually follow.

What causes nitrate to show up in urine samples in women?

Some of the bacteria known to cause urinary tract infections (UTI's) have an enzyme that change nitrate to nitrite. A positive nitrite test indicates that bacteria may be present in significant numbers in urine.reference:-

If you have a UTI will blood show in urine?

It's not unusual to have blood in the urine with UTI, but it doesn't not always occur.

What does leukocytes and urobilinogen on a urine dipstick test mean?

Leukocytes is infection. Urobilinogen is blood in the urine. It sounds like you was performing a test for a urine infection. If either of these 2 are positive then you have a UTI or possible Kidney infection if blood is found in urine.

What causes yeasty smelling urine?

UTI could cause smelly urine. If its yeasty smelling it could be vaginal yeast infection but could also be a UTI. Go to the doc and get a urine test. Always the best thing to do :)

What causes nitrits in urine?

According to WebMD: Nitrites. Bacteria that cause a urinary tract infection (UTI) make an enzyme that changes urinary nitrates to nitrites. Nitrites in urine show a UTI is present.

What is the urinalysis rate of person with UTI?

A urinalysis test is typically conducted to diagnose a UTI. The rate of positive urinalysis results for a person with a UTI depends on the specific criteria used for diagnosis, but it is generally high. Positive findings may include the presence of white blood cells, red blood cells, bacteria, and nitrites in the urine.

Positive nitrates in urine?

The presence of nitrates in urine can indicate a bacterial infection in the urinary tract. It is commonly tested through a urine dipstick test as part of a urinalysis. If nitrates are detected, further evaluation and treatment may be needed to address the underlying infection.

If symptoms of a UTI are present including white blood cells in urine but no infection is found can this be an early sign of pregnancy?

No. Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. White blood cells in urine and painful urination are not signs of pregnancy.

How do bugs get in your urine?

bladder infection or urinary tract infection (UTI)

When your urine smells like tuna fish do you have a uti?

Maybe. Or you could be dehydrated

Will catheterization to determine UTI and blood in urine harm your unborm child?

No, this is a routine procedure. A UTI is more likely to cause harm than a catheterization.