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Q: Unipolar neurons have axons structurally divided into peripheral and central processes?
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Which of these neuron types are unipolar?

Sensory neurons are typically unipolar in structure. This means they have a single process, or neurite, that extends from the cell body and splits into two branches, one leading to the peripheral nervous system and one leading to the central nervous system.

What are the major divisions of the the central nervous system?

Central & Peripheral Edit: I don't think the last person read the entire question. Central (CNS) and Peripheral (PNS) are the two major divisions of the nervous system but the question is asking specifically about the central. Two major division of the central nervous system (structurally) are White matter and Gray matter.

What kind of neuron has a soma with a dendrite on one side and an axon on the other?

This type of neuron is called a unipolar neuron. It is typically found in the peripheral nervous system and is involved in transmitting sensory information from the body to the central nervous system. The single process that extends from the soma branches into a central and peripheral process, with the central process connecting to the cell body.

What type of neurons form the afferent division of the PNS?

Sensory neurons form the afferent division of the peripheral nervous system. These neurons carry sensory information from the body to the central nervous system.

What is the antonym of central?

The antonym of central is peripheral.

Classify neurons according to structure and function?

Neurons can be classified structurally as either multipolar, bipolar, or unipolar. Functionally, neurons can be classified as either sensory, motor, or interneurons based on their role in transmitting and processing sensory information, controlling motor movements, or connecting neurons within the central nervous system, respectively.

Dendrites found on unipolar neurons are part of what?

Dendrites found on unipolar neurons are part of the sensory receptor that detects stimuli such as touch, pressure, vibration, and temperature. They transmit this sensory information to the neuron's cell body, which then processes and transmits the signal to the central nervous system.

Are interneurons unipolar?

No, interneurons are typically multipolar, meaning they have multiple processes extending from the cell body. They function to integrate and relay signals within the central nervous system.

Do the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system function independently of one another?

No, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (nerves outside the central nervous system) work together to coordinate communication throughout the body. The central nervous system processes information and sends commands to the peripheral nervous system to carry out responses.

What carries impulses from the skin to the central nervous system?

Sensory neurons are responsible for carrying impulses from the skin to the central nervous system. These neurons transmit information about touch, temperature, and pain from sensory receptors in the skin to the brain and spinal cord for processing.

The cranial and spinal nerves form what nervous system?

the peripheral nervous system

Unipolar neuron function?

Unipolar neurons are sensory neurons with a single process extending from the cell body. This process splits into two branches, one traveling peripheral organs to detect stimuli and the other transmitting signals to the central nervous system. They play a crucial role in detecting sensory information and relaying it for processing in the brain.