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positive feedback mechanisms

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Q: Mechanisms that enhance or drive change are known as?
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The breaking down of rock by physical change?

The breaking down of rock by physical change is known as mechanical weathering. This process involves the physical disintegration of rocks into smaller pieces without altering their chemical composition. Common mechanisms of mechanical weathering include frost wedging, root expansion, and abrasion from wind and water.

What do you call the process in which crystals change in size or composition?

The process through which crystals change in size or composition is known as crystallization. This can occur through various mechanisms such as cooling, evaporation, or chemical reactions, leading to the formation of new crystals with different properties.

What is change of organisms over an extended period of time?

Change of organisms over an extended period of time is known as evolution. Evolution is the process by which populations of organisms change over generations through genetic variation, natural selection, and other mechanisms, leading to the emergence of new species and the diversity of life on Earth.

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What type of relationship is one of the best-known mechanisms of population control?

Lesly &' Pablo<3 01.19.12

What is a hot drive?

When a drive burns, its known as hot drive. Sometimes drives get too hot and sexy, they're also known as hot drives

What flash drive also known?

It is also called, thumb drive, power drive, and pen drive.

When was locks invented?

Locks were first invented around 4000 years ago in ancient Egypt. The earliest known locks were made of wood and consisted of a wooden bolt that slid into a slot to secure a door or gate. Over time, locks have evolved and become more sophisticated, with various types and mechanisms developed to enhance security.

Float valves also known as balltaps refers to what type of mechanisms?

Float valves, or balltaps, refers to mechanisms while filling water tanks. Float valves allow the machine, or toilet, to not overflow and avoid danger.

What effect does ancient Hebrew mechanisms have on the modern world?

The Ancient Hebrews were not known for mechanical devices, and none survive to this day.

What is a serpentine belt also known as?

Accessory drive belt.Accessory drive belt.