You have not specified the months and if it was a leap year. However, the average amount of weeks are as follows:
4 months is a third of a year. Therefore 365.25/7 is 52.1786 weeks. This divided by 3 is approx 17.4 weeks in 4 months
4 months and 4 weeks.
12 weeks is 3 months. One month is 4 weeks.
Sixteen weeks is four months.
15 weeks = about 4 months.
There are 13 weeks in a 3-month period. You are 3 months and 3 weeks pregnant.
just about 4 months
If you are 15 weeks pregnant, you are on your 3rd month and 3 weeks.
444 months and 4 weeks = 13,542 days
...Divide..... 16 weeks pregnant....4 weeks per month... 16/4=4 months.
300 weeks is 69 1/4 months.
16 weeks!
There's 4 weeks/month so 10 months.