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Any amount of purging is dangerous. The act of purging can cause death due to heart irregularities and electrolyte imbalances.

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Q: How many times purging in one day is dangerous in bulimics?
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Can you lose weight being belmic?

you have to throw up...but you shoudnt try because your teeth can become gray and your finger will peel...

How many times do you have to binge and purge before being bulimic?

at least 3 times a week for at least 2 months Well, actually, according to the current diagnostic criteria (DSM IV) you need to binge and purge at least twice a week for a period of 3 months or more before you can be officially diagnosed with bulimia. Of course, there are 2 subtypes of bulimia - purging and non purging. So not all bulimics actually throw up and/or abuse laxatives. You can also be bulimic if you use other excessive weight loss "strategies" after binging - like fasting, severe restriction of your food intake and exercise. It has been suggested, in the proposed DSM V, that the criteria for bulimia should be purging once a week for 3 months or more - but this has not been confirmed/accepted yet.

How many die from bulimia?

10% of bulimics will die from the disorder. There are several causes; cardiac arrest, other medical complications and suicide are among the most common causes of death among bulimics.

Does anybody know a good website about purging disorder because you are 13 and you think that you have it but you are not sure?

I'm sorry, but WikiAnswers is a site to help people. Suggesting a website that contains infortmation about purging, a dangerous habit that can lead to eating disorders like bulimia and many health complications, would not be in a peron's best interest.

What do most bulimics recognize about their condition?

Many typically recognize that the behavior is not normal, but feel out of control.

How much purging?

That would be different for each person, each time. There's too many varying factors to give an exact ounce. I would say very little, if any, but that is going to depend on how soon after eating you purged, what type of food it was, how long you attempted to purge, etc.

How many times do they say dangerous in the movie top gun?


Why cant you do unauthorized experiments?

Many times, unauthorized expiriments are dangerous to humankind and the environment.

How many laxatives do bulimics take each day?

It depends on the person, some might not take any laxatives, and some might take way too many.

How many times do bulimics have to make themselves sick before it will show on there bodies?

BIG TRUTH: Bulimics don't actually throw up every single thing they eat. Most bulimics (if they aren't crazies or anything) only throw up after eating big meals, or only on certain occasions. If you become a bulimic (which is HIGHLY UNRECOMMENDED BECAUSE IT CAN CAUSE TOOTH DECAY, BAD BREATH, AND EARLY DEATH) then weight loss doesn't begin to show for a while. (2 weeks to a month) Bulimics don't realize that what they bring back up doesn't really make them thinner, since all the fat and stuff from the food eaten before has already been absorbed by the body. Throwing up your food will not get you thinner. Sometimes, it can actually induce bloating. Like I said before, a bulimic diet is SO not the way to go. Take care now!

What are the systems of bulimia?

The warning signs of bulimia can be physical symptoms or behaviors. Dark rings below the eyes and eroding teeth and gums can be signs of bulimia. Weight is a lousy indicator. Many bulimics are heavy. They may binge twice as often as they purge. (Purging is painful and harder to do without getting caught.) Disappearing to the bathroom immediately after eating can also be a red flag indicating bulimia. Also, complaints of sensations akin to acid reflux can be another sign.

A symptom of eating disorder is strict dieting followed by eating bings is what?

Strict dieting might indicate anorexia nervosa, but binge eating and then purging said food would be bulimia nervosa. Most bulimics will starve themselves in between binges because they want to compensate for everything they will take in later because when you throw up your food you are only throwing about half of the calories you took in and it doesn't matter how many times you throw up it will still be the same.