Braxton Hicks can be quite regular and can come 5 or 10 minutes apart but they are not making changes in the cervix. The easiest way to tell Braxton Hicks from true labor is to drink a glass of water or juice, and change your activity. If walking, lie down - if lying down, take a walk. Labor will not stop when you move around or stop what you are doing, Braxton Hicks generally will.
If you are having regular contractions it is best to call your doctor or hospital for an evaluation - many women have quite painful Braxton Hick's and many women have very little pain from early contractions that could signal early labor.
4 or fewer per hour are acceptable. 5 or more call your doctor.
John Braxton Hicks was born in 1823.
John Braxton Hicks died in 1897.
I think you may be referring to what are called "Braxton-Hicks" contractions.
Braxton Hicks contractions come from a Doctor named John Braxton Hicks. He was the first doctor to ever describe what these type of contractions were. This was back in the mid-late 1800s.
NO because braxton hicks is just a temporary contraction, not increasing in frequency and interval.
Braxton Hicks
False Labor
yes a bit