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CPR maintains cellular respiration the same as in normal breathing and pulse rate. CPR is mechanically breathing and circulating the blood for the victim.

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Q: How does CPR maintain cellular respiration?
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Does cellular respiration maintain the high metabolic rate in animals?

High metabolic rate need a lot of energy. So this is supplied by respiration

What does CPR mean in Wildlands CPR?

circulation, palpation, respiration

How many ATP do you get after cellular respiration?

ATP is used for cellular respiration. It is not a product of cellular respiration.

What is the function of cellular resperation?

Cellular respiration is the process by which cells generate energy by breaking down glucose and other organic molecules in the presence of oxygen. This process produces ATP, the cell's main energy currency, which is used for various cellular functions.

Does respiration occur at night?

Yes, of course =D. Cellular respiration must take place at all times in order to maintain functionality within a cell.

What are the difference cellular respiration and respiration?

Oxygen is the difference! Cellular respiration requires oxygen, while cellular fermentation does not.

Why is cellular respiration an aerobic respiration?

Because cellular respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen.

Why you need oxygen and carbon dioxide in cellular respiration?

Oxygen is needed in cellular respiration to serve as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, enabling the production of ATP. Carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product during cellular respiration and needs to be removed to maintain the pH balance in cells.

What is the process by which the chemical energy of food molecules is released?

The first step of the process is the digestion.

Why is external respiration vital to cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration need oxygen. This oxygen is supplied by external respiration

In which orangnelle is cellular respiration conducted?

Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria.

Are the mitochondria responsible for cellular respiration?

yes. they are responsible for cellular respiration