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Some famous historical figures who are believed to have had rickets include King Richard III of England and Charles Dickens. Rickets is a condition caused by a deficiency in vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate, leading to soft and weak bones. These individuals likely experienced symptoms such as bone pain, muscle weakness, and skeletal deformities due to their untreated rickets.

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The only person i know is Oj Simpson.!

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What bone disease is called by the lack of calcium in the diet?

Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

Where can you get Rickets?

how do u get rickets

How is rickets spread?

by not taking enough vitamin d as a person with rickets does

What cultural group is affected most by Rickets?

Cacasian or Asian people.

Are rickets caused by microbes?

No, rickets is not caused by microbes. Rickets is caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium or phosphate.

What has the author John Rickets written?

John Rickets has written: 'John Rickets, Byrsa Basilica Sive Regale Excambium'

What diet supplement would help to prevent rickets?

Vitamin D supplements help prevent rickets if given along with breastfeeding for infants. If you are asking for an adult then there really is no way to prevent rickets because you would already have it. Rickets is considered a Vitamin D deficiency and most of the time develops in kids under the age of 5. Vitamin D would also be helpful for people who already have rickets by keeping the symptoms at bay.

Do microbes cause rickets?

Rickets is not a microbe. Rickets is a disease caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D, which is an essential vitamin (that is it is not produced by the body). Body gets vitamin D when sunlight falls on the skin.

What nutrient will result in rickets?

Whish mineral deficiency may result in rickets

How is rickets diagnosed?

Rickets is diagnosed by x-ray examination of leg bones

When did King Charles 1 discover he had rickets?

I have never heard of him having rickets, but if he did , he had doctors at court, so they would have diagnosed that, but usually rickets are a childhood ailment.

What are facts about rickets?

Rickets is a deficiency disease if you have a lack of Vitamin d. Rickets is when the bones soften and start to disintegrate, you can get Vitamin A through citrus fruits and vegetables and also through sunlight. It is mainly common in young children, especially young dark skinned children, for they don't collect as much sunlight.dark skinned people collect the most sun!