why is it any of your business. she can get lung cancer if she wants. leave rebel alone!
why is it any of your business. she can get lung cancer if she wants. leave rebel alone!
Rebel Wilson's birth name is Rebel Melanie Elizabeth Wilson.
Rebel Wilson 5'3 and 165 pounds.
Rebel Wilson is 5' 2 1/2".
Rebel Wilson is a/an Actress,comedian,writer,singer,producer
Rebel Wilson was born on March 2, 1980
No, Rebel Wilson is an Australian actress and has no relation to members of the American vocal group Wilson Phillips.
Rebel Wilson is 5' 2 1/2".
Australian comedienne Rebel Wilson is 38 years old (born Melanie Bownds, March 2, 1980).
Yes she is, 1st cousins twice removed.
Rebel Wilson was born on March 2, 1980