Well, the French slang for a Dandelion is a 'piss en lit' (wet the bed) and this is because the Dandelion is know to have diuretic properties. A chemical found in it makes the kidneys switch on and produce urine. Dandelion is not the only herb with these properties, Parsley also does this as does any herb with caffeine (e.g. coffee).
The smell of dandelions in bed wetting could be the sign of a urinary tract infection. This could also be the cause of the bed wetting.
it's believed they will wet their bed
no, your sims can't wet the bed in the sims 3.
Yes, because the bed is wet.
yes everynight under ur covers doin sumtine while ur sleep he make u wet tha bed a message from bernie mac;im gon make u wet tha bed
Wet the Bed was created on 2011-09-13.
not going to the bathroom everyday
A Water bed
Wash it and go to bed with it wet. Of course mine wouldn't look all that great, but yours might.
You want to wet the bed? Just pee on it. And be prepared for your mom to get very mad. Now, she has to change your sheets and do the laundry. Why would you want to be like a baby and wet the bed?