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Very definitely YES! There are more parasites that can be transmitted from one person to another than you would probably like to think about!

A few choice internal parasites:

Amoeba = a microscopic (Protist) that causes Amoebic dysentery. Death from diarrhea is not pleasant.

Ascaris = a large, unpleasant intestinal roundworm. Spread by poor sanitation and hygiene.

Hookworm = another intestinal roundworm, but not as large as Ascaris. Spread the same way.

Tapeworm: potentially several feet long, this flat, segmented worm takes up residence in your intestine and eats what you eat. Easily "broken", each segment is capable of infecting someone else, or re-infecting you if you have poor hygiene.

and... what is probably the most deadly organism on the planet...

Plasmodium falciparum..... a parasitic protist (microscopic "animal") that causes malaria. It kills tens of thousands of the world's poorest people every year!

And then of course there are ectoparasites- they live outside of your body- head lice, scabies, bedbugs, chiggers, etc.

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