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An acid base imbalance can result in

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9y ago

An acid-base imbalance can result in

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Q: An acid-base imbalance can result in what?
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See your doctor for hormone imbalance.

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it is due to hormonal imbalance

Can hepatitis c be a result of a homoestatic imbalance?

No. Hep C is caused by a virus.

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Homeostatic imbalance has occurred when a?

Homeostatic imbalance occurs when the body is unable to maintain internal stability, leading to various health issues or diseases. This can be caused by factors such as aging, stress, poor nutrition, or genetic predispositions. It disrupts the body's ability to regulate functions like temperature, blood sugar, or pH levels.

What is imbalance force?

An imbalance force occurs when there is a difference in the forces acting on an object, causing it to accelerate in a certain direction. This can result in the object moving or changing direction due to the unequal forces acting on it.

What can cause fissures on the vulva?

It may be as a result of hormonal imbalance ,disease conditions like hpv,clymidia

Why am i always tired?

Chronic fatigue can be as a result of immune system problems, hormonal imbalance or viral infections.