I am conducting a train.I can conduct a train.I have conducted a train.
You can use the verb "conduct" in a sentence like this: "The researchers conducted a study to investigate the effects of climate change on the local environment." This sentence demonstrates how the verb "conduct" is used to describe carrying out or performing a specific action, such as a study or experiment.
Example sentence - We want her to conduct herself in a respectable manner.
Conduct is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it's pronounced "cOn-duct", as a verb, it's pronounced "con-DUCT". Example as a noun: He carried himself with a distinguished conduct. Example as a verb: He conducted himself well.
Depending on the context, sentence is already a verb For example, "to sentence someone" is an action and therefore a verb.
The word "run" is a verb. Example sentence: She runs in the park every morning.
That conduct wasn't appropriate for his age.
conduct yourself into the class room
This is an example of a sentence. Happyhot970: A example sentence would have a verb, subject, predicate, and maybe also a noun.
Noun: "His conduct during the meeting was exemplary." Verb: "The security guard will conduct a thorough search of all the bags."
Yes, it is possible to have a sentence with a verb and without a helping verb. For example, "He runs every day" is a sentence that contains the verb "runs" without a helping verb.