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Yes, the child will always be considered German by the German state, because the Mother is German, and American by the US because his father is an American citizen. If you did not apply for both passports when the child was born, you may have difficulty proving your claim. Simply apply for the missing passport and see what is required.

Even if both parents are US-Citizen, but Baby is born in Germany. You can get a Dual Citizenship for the Baby. But by the age of 23, he or she has to pick either or Citizenship! Yes, Immigrants get a Social Security number. Immigrants need a Green card and a SSN to be able to live an work in the States.

it soley depends on if the baby was born on an American base or in a German hospital if he is born in a German hospital he will always be German, if he is bron in a American base in Germany the baby will be an American and a German baby. Its complicated because in America you need a social security number to be a citizen and imigrants don't get those so i have heard

By US law, if one of your parents are a US citizen or you are born on US soil you are a US citizen. By German law if one of your parents are a German citizen you are a German citizen. Also since 2001 if you are born on German soil you become a German citizen. If you get the German citizenship from being born in Germany you must choose which citizenship you want to keep when you turn 18.

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Q: If a man is from the US stationed in Germany due to the Army marries a woman from Germany has a baby born while living in Germany then moves back to US Does the child have dual citizenship forever?
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