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Basically he used many ways to reduce unemployment, he employed people into the army as part of rearmament, he also employed people into public works administration to help build and recover from the treaty of Versailles.

Actually he removed most of the people who were unemployed including Jews and other non-Aryan people. By doing this the unemployment percentage dropped but the actual number of people employed did not increase too much

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Hitler cured mass unemployment in Germany and greatly improved the economy by instituting various government programs. His efforts were more intensive than Franklin Roosevelt's, leading Germany to recover more quickly than the US.

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14y ago

Adolf Hitler deported a lot of people into concentration camps and arrested a lot of people. He didn't count Jews in his statistics.

So all those people disappeared out of the statistics, which made it look like the unemployment rate went down dramatically.

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He implemented several measures. He started building roads and infrastructure thereby creating many jobs. He also started building a huge munitions industry, as well as building a massive army. Pretty much everyone had a job due to this.

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Q: How did the Germans reduce unemployment between 1933 and 1939?
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The unemployment rate was 25% by 1933.

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The PWA was established by the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, to help reduce unemployment. Men were hired to construct highways and public buildings. The head of the WPA was Interior Secretary Harold Ickes.

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The PWA was established by the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, to help reduce unemployment. Men were hired to construct highways and public buildings. The head of the WPA was Interior Secretary Harold Ickes.

When was the US unemployment rate 25 percent?

In 1932-1933(the great depression.)

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It seems that unemployment rate averaged between 8 percent and 35 percent in 1933, the worst year of the Depression for unemployment. That is non-farm workers. And, you have to remember that establishing the rate was not as accurate as it is today. Lots of people during the Depression simply did not appear on the unemployment rate because there was no way of keeping track of who was looking for work or who had just given up and "rode the rails." There was not unemployment insurance back then. Also the farmers lost all of there crops and hoover cut taxes and gave more crops to the farmers.