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Through extended halucinogenic use i have come to believe that there are definetly other plains of existence. i have accidently waken up in the body of another person before. the person was in a different place than i was and was also a different race yet still spoke English and seemed to still be in the same time era that we are in . So if ,while im living, my "spiritual energy " can trancend from one body of conciousness to another in a simulated near death experience than that would lead me to believe that there will be similar results in an actual death experience=) so while our physical bodys may expire. our conciousness lives on and through perception may enter another human body or phyical form of existence ...

Or You Can Believe This.

No. When you die you are as if you are asleep. Then when Jesus comes back you will be resurrected. Then comes judgment. God Bless

Its your call

AnswerMy personal belief is yes, you do go to another plain. We will never know until we pass on.

God Bless

answerWhen we die, our physical body becomes food for the others; so there's nothing to ressurect.

well here this this one time i woke up not rememoring anything from yesterday or the day before that or anything i felt as if i just came onto the planet im thinking about what happened that day right now it was when i was like 5 im 12 now

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13y ago
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5mo ago

There is no scientific evidence to support the concept of reincarnation, where a person comes back in another form after death. It is a belief held in various religions and spiritual traditions, but it is not universally accepted or proven.

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15y ago

In some religions,the belief is that when you die you are reincarnated to return to this world as another human being or animal.After seven reincarnations,you attain enlightenment and enter Nirvana,the spiritual world or heaven.But when you die where do your atoms go? You cannot kill an atom.

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15y ago

With the exception of Christianity, most major world religions believe in reincarnation in one form or another. Common concepts include never returning as lower life forms, ie., as an animal. There exists a general belief that each mortal cycle of life allows the individual to spiritually evolve into a better being with each reincarnation until nirvana, or bliss consciousness, is reached. Basic personality patterns are felt to be retained, while memory is not. It is felt that retaining specific memories could make personal evolution in the next life more difficult , versus having a "clean slate" on which to write a better life.

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11y ago

Catholics believe that the life you have is the only one you are going to get, that God has created all of us to be immortal, but because of original sin, our bodies die, but our souls, being simple, cannot cease to be, so our souls go to heaven or hell. At the end of the world, our bodies are resurrected and we are reunited with them.

Another Answer:

When we die, we 'sleep' until called to the Judgement process.

God created mankind with the potential to become His spiritual children (see 2 Corinthians 6:18. We have the course of our lifetimes to choose and follow the narrow road. Most will not out of ignorant rebellion and will need their chance at the Resurrection of Judgement - while others choosing to not repent and accept Christ will face the 2nd death (Romans 6:23) or Resurrection of Condemnation for the relatively few compared to those saved.

We are living souls (nephesh) meaning we have the breath of life given to us - just like other creatures. The soul will die but the human spirit lives on to return to judgement (read John 5:28-30) in a resurrection of a new physical body (see Ezekiel 37 as an example of physical Israel only):

Ecclesiastes 12:7New King James Version (NKJV)

7 Then the dust will return to the earth as it was,

And the spirit will return to God who gave it.

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Q: When you die do you come back as another person?
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When you die do you become another person again?

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It depends on what you believe in! Some people think that when you die well, you die. And others think that you can come back as an animal or a baby! So it really just depends on what YOU believe in!

When you die do you become another person?

that's the theory of reincarnation. some eastern religions believe this. some go so far as to teach you can even come back as animal or insects.

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When a person dies people stay dead. The person's soul goes either to heaven or hell.

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Depending on religious views, some believe that they go to either Heaven or hell. Others believe that you come back either as another person, or as an animal. Still others believe that when you die, that's it, there is nothing else.

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They don't. People die and their positions and names are replaced by a new person. The method hasn't been revealed, but Julius does something with their clocks.

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no you come back as a cat of a fly