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I'm so old that Noah and I were shipmates together.

I'm so old that Moses and I were foot soldiers together.

I'm so old that Edison consulted me about music.

If women ruled the world we all would still be living in caves but we would have curtains hanging in the entrance.

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Why do old men wear their glasses at the beach? Because they can't sea without them! Why did the old man put his money in the blender? He wanted to make a little spending money!

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Q: Jokes about old age
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lol you mad jokes

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bailler à de vieilles blagues

What are the baddest jokes?

What is the baddest jokes? That would definitely be the old Why did the chicken cross the road joke. They say that legendary joke has been around for over 10 years! A decade to be exact. There are more bad jokes like the vampire ones.

How old do you have to be to watch scrubs?

I'd say at least high school age, around fifteen or sixteen years old. Scrubs is full of innuendo jokes (specifically made by The Todd), and some episodes show characters drinking alcohol. It's hilarious, but it can be offensive.

What is the difference between telling jokes and playing jokes?

Telling jokes means to speak jokes through conversations, but playing jokes means to perform jokes practically.