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Life expectancy in the 1800s was much, much lower than it is now. For some families, people lived to be 60, 70, and even 80. However, for the working class and poor, a man lived to between 50-70 years old. Women died frequently in childbirth, thus many women died during childbearing years between age 18-48. Life expectancy was also low because of a higher infant/childhood mortality. Babies frequently died before age 1; children often died before ages 5 to 8 years old. Once a person cleared through birth and childhood diseases, many lived an average lifespan for the times, with the exception of childbirth or contagious diseases like typhoid and the pox.

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2mo ago

The life expectancy in the 1800s varied based on factors like location and socioeconomic status, but it was generally much lower than today. The average life expectancy in the mid-1800s was around 40-50 years.

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