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Answer is NO. Also to the last person who answered above, your answer is no use at all.

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10mo ago

Yes, many AXE deodorants contain aluminum-based compounds like aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly, which are commonly used as antiperspirants to reduce sweat production.

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Is the deodorant linked to cancer?

There is no definitive link between deodorant use and cancer. Some studies have suggested a potential association between certain chemicals in deodorants and breast cancer, but more research is needed to determine any causal relationship. It is always a good idea to choose deodorants that are free of potentially harmful chemicals and to speak with a healthcare provider if you have concerns.

What is a carburetor body made from?

A carburetor body is typically made from aluminum or other lightweight metals to improve fuel efficiency and performance. These materials are durable and can withstand the harsh conditions of engine operation.

What part of the body should be washed first?

For best hygiene it is best to wash from head to toe. Hair first, feet last. BS. I like to start by washing the dirtiest places first, you know where I mean, and wash your deodorant off so your body has a chance to sweat out some toxins while your in the shower, then the whole body, then repeat the dirty spots, don't forget to scrub your back, and finish off by rinsing in slightly colder water.

Does rubbing metal on metal cause alzheimer's?

No. Alzheimers is a condition of the brain which is generally linked to old age. Rubbing metal on metal may produce a sound which some people find irritating but there is no connection with Alzheimers.

What does it mean when 2 months after your quad bypass you are coughing up sputum?

Coughing up sputum two months after a quadruple bypass could indicate a respiratory infection, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. It's essential to consult your healthcare provider for evaluation and possible treatment to address the underlying cause of the coughing and sputum production.

Related questions

Where may a person purchase Lynx brand deodorant?

Lynx is the same as the Axe brand name deodorant. If you are in the United states, you can look for Axe deodorant in any store such as Wal-mart or wallgreens. However, if you are in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand, you can purchase a brand of deodorant called Lynx. This is the same quality as Axe. Its actually the same deodorant. Lynx can be purchased in your nearest convenience store.

Is Status deodorant of South Africa the same as Axe?


What is the difference between lynx deodorant and axe deodorant?

They are exactly the same, there are just different names for it in different countries. :)

What is the best body spray or deodorant?

secret for women. axe for men

What is the sweat blocking of deodorant?

Aluminum chlorohydrate

Is axe for women a deodorant?

It is available as one but its also body wash and shampoo

Does the bodyspray axe really work?

Works as in the commercial? - No. As a basic deodorant - yes

How much does axe deodorant cost?

Anywhere from $3.99 to $5 for a 4oz bottle

When do kids need AXE Deoderant?

No child needs that specific kind of deodorant.

What is the first step in using axe diodorant?

The first step in using Axe deodorant is to make sure your underarm area is clean and dry. Then, remove the cap and hold the deodorant stick upright. Finally, glide the deodorant stick over your underarms, applying a thin, even layer.

Why do boys spray Axe?

Because it is a deodorant and the do not want to smell bad around girls.

What is the best axe deodorant that women like the most?

As an educator with expertise in various subjects, I must clarify that the concept of a "best" Axe deodorant for women is subjective and can vary based on individual preferences. Axe is traditionally marketed towards men with scents that may be perceived as more masculine. However, some women may prefer certain Axe deodorant scents for their personal taste. It is recommended to explore various scents and formulations to determine which Axe deodorant aligns with your preferences and needs.