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5mo ago

Yes, a broken bone can potentially raise your blood pressure due to the pain and stress associated with the injury. Your body's response to the pain and inflammation from the broken bone can trigger an increase in blood pressure. It's important to seek medical attention for a broken bone to manage pain and monitor potential effects on blood pressure.

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What does Trilineage progressive hematopoiesis mean as a diagosis?

Trilineage progressive hematopoiesis is a term used to describe a condition where the bone marrow is producing all three types of blood cells - red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets - in a normal and balanced manner. This typically indicates a healthy and functional bone marrow.

How can bone remodeling determine age?

Bone remodeling can provide information about someone's age through the process of continuous bone turnover. As people age, their bones undergo remodeling, where old bone is broken down and new bone is formed. By studying the rate of bone remodeling and the balance between bone formation and resorption, researchers can infer an individual's age. Additionally, changes in bone density, structure, and composition can also indicate age-related bone remodeling patterns.

What is the easiest bone to break in the hand?

The metacarpal bones in the hand are among the easiest to break due to their location and exposure to direct trauma. These long bones are vulnerable to fractures from impact or excessive force, such as punching or falling onto an outstretched hand. Immediate medical attention is recommended if you suspect a broken bone in your hand.

What helps a broken bone heal?

To help a broken bone heal, it is important to follow the treatment plan provided by a doctor, which may include immobilizing the bone with a cast or splint, taking prescribed medications for pain and inflammation, eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, and engaging in physical therapy exercises to restore strength and range of motion. Rest and avoiding activities that may hinder healing are also crucial.

Where is the calcaneal bursa located?

The calcaneal bursa is located in the heel, specifically between the Achilles tendon and the calcaneus bone. It acts as a cushion between these structures to reduce friction and pressure during movement.

Related questions

Can you faint because of a broken bone?

Yes, a broken bone is quite painful and may be associated with significant blood loss at the same time. The combination of suddenly dropping blood pressure along with sudden pain can cause you to pass out temporarily.

Is blood produced in a bone?

No. Blood is produced in the Liver, and broken down in the spleen.

What happens to your range of motion when you break your collare bone?

when your collar bone is broken you cant raise your hand, but you can move it [painfully]

What happens when stress is applied to a bone?

after a numerous amout of pressure BAM! you have a broken bone CONGRATES!

Does blood pressure increase with enlarging nose bone?

Blood pressure has nothing to do with the size of your nose.

What problem causes using marijuana a broken bone patient?

It slows the healing process of the broken bone. When the smoke is inhaled through the lungs it attacthes itself to your red blood cells and limits oxygen flow to your broken bone area.

Can an elderly person falling cause a blood clot?

if a bone is broken it certainly can.

What bone is often broken in case of strangulation?

The hyoid bone is the bone most commonly fractured during strangulation because of its position in the neck and its vulnerability to direct pressure or blunt force trauma.

Which bone cells produce new bone tissue if a bone is broken?

Osteoblasts are bone cells responsible for producing new bone tissue during the healing process of a broken bone. They lay down new bone matrix that eventually hardens to form a callus, which bridges the gap between the broken bone ends.

What are some common bullet injuries?

Torn muscles, skin, blood vessels, broken bone(s)

Why did the doctor feel your shin bone when you went for blood pressure medication update?

Checking for edema (swelling) in the legs is a normal part of a blood pressure-related exam.

When a bone breaks what carry the food into the bone?

Blood vessels supply the bone with nutrients and carry food and oxygen to the bone cells. When a bone breaks, blood vessels at the site of the fracture help in the healing process by delivering the necessary nutrients for bone repair.