The absolute location of Iraq is approximately between 29 to 37 North latitude and 39 to 48 East longitude, in the Middle East region of Asia.
The absolute location of Baghdad, Iraq is approximately 33.3152° N latitude and 44.3661° E longitude.
Iraq is located at approximately 33.2232° N latitude and 43.6793° E longitude.
Germany has the latitude of 50N and the longitude of 10E.
The absolute location of Baghdad, Iraq is approximately 33.3152° N latitude and 44.3661° E longitude.
Approximate latitude: 28°30′N to 37°25′N Approximate longitude: 38°40′E to 48°40′E
The absolute location of Iraq is approximately between 29 to 37 North latitude and 39 to 48 East longitude, in the Middle East region of Asia.
The Zagros Mountains span from approximately 32°N to 37°N latitude and 44°E to 48°E longitude, covering parts of Iran, Iraq, and Turkey.
Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, is located at approximately 33.3152° N latitude and 44.3661° E longitude.
That point is in east-central Iraq, about 33 miles southwest of the center of Baghdad.
The absolute location of Baghdad, Iraq is approximately 33.3152° N latitude and 44.3661° E longitude.
Mosul has a latitude of 36 degrees 19 minutes North and a longitude of 43 degrees 9 minutes East.Read more: What_is_the_exact_latitude_and_longitude_of_Iraq
It depends upon the area of Iraq. For example, Baghdad has a latitude of 33 degrees 20 minutes North and a longitude of 44 degrees 24 minutes East. But Mosul has a latitude of 36 degrees 19 minutes North and a longitude of 43 degrees 9 minutes East.
Iraq is located at approximately 33.2232° N latitude and 43.6793° E longitude.
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