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There is the G.P.S and the navigator in such as cars airplanes and any other devices.

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  1. Magnetic compass: This ancient technology helped explorers determine which direction they were traveling in by pointing to Earth's magnetic poles, allowing them to navigate more accurately across long distances.

  2. Sextant: This tool, developed in the 18th century, allowed explorers to measure the angle between astronomical objects like the sun and the horizon, enabling them to calculate their position at sea based on celestial navigation.

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Q: What are two examples of technology that made it easier for explorers to navigate around the world?
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Why did the early explorers use maps?

Early explorers used maps to navigate unknown territories, keep track of their locations, plan their routes, and discover new lands. Maps were essential tools for them to understand the world around them and effectively embark on their exploration journeys.

When did cartography start in the Renaissance period?

Cartography began to flourish during the Renaissance period, around the 14th and 15th centuries, as European explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama ventured into unknown territories. Advancements in technology and increased trade led to a growing demand for accurate maps to navigate the seas and discover new lands.

What navigational tools did early explorers use?

Early explorers primarily used tools such as compasses, astrolabes, and maps. Compasses were used to determine direction, astrolabes to measure the altitude of celestial bodies for navigation, and maps to plan routes and understand geographic features. These tools helped early explorers navigate unknown territories and chart new paths across land and sea.

The Portuguese explorers began the age sailing down and around the coast of which continent?

The Portuguese explorers began the Age of Exploration by sailing down and around the coast of Africa. This exploration ultimately led to the discovery of new trade routes to Asia.

What country led the way to exploration?

Portugal led the way to exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries. They were the first to navigate around the southern tip of Africa and establish sea routes to India and Asia. Portuguese explorers like Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan played crucial roles in this era of exploration.

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why did explorers have to navigate around cape horn?

Because the Panama Canal did not exist.

What are some examples of Young Explorers products?

Young Explorers offer a series of books that can help aid one understand the world and universe around them. These books are often recommended for children.

Why did the early explorers use maps?

Early explorers used maps to navigate unknown territories, keep track of their locations, plan their routes, and discover new lands. Maps were essential tools for them to understand the world around them and effectively embark on their exploration journeys.

What were the accomplishments of Portuguese explorers?

Portuguese explorers established trade routes to India and Asia, discovered Brazil, and were the first Europeans to navigate around the southern tip of Africa. They also played a key role in the Age of Discovery and helped establish Portugal as a major colonial power.

When did cartography start in the Renaissance period?

Cartography began to flourish during the Renaissance period, around the 14th and 15th centuries, as European explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama ventured into unknown territories. Advancements in technology and increased trade led to a growing demand for accurate maps to navigate the seas and discover new lands.

Examples why science is older than technology?

Science been around more many many years. back in the b.c's there was Science. Technology started after it.

What sentence has the word 'navigate'?

With a compass and a sectant you can navigate your way around the world.

What are some examples of characteristic?

Examples of characteristics include honesty, creativity, kindness, resilience, and determination. These traits define a person's unique qualities and behaviors, influencing how they interact with others and navigate the world around them.

What is the prefix of navigate?

there is no prefix of suffix to the word navigate

What is a good website for researching explorers?

National Geographic's website has a section dedicated to explorers that provides information on famous explorers from around the world, their expeditions, and their contributions to history. It's a great resource for researching explorers.

How did winds help early explorers sail around the globe?

Early explorers utilized wind patterns to navigate and propel their sailing ships around the globe. By understanding prevailing winds and currents, such as the trade winds and westerlies, sailors could plan their routes to take advantage of these natural forces to reach their destinations more efficiently. This knowledge of winds also helped explorers to discover new lands and establish trade routes across the world.

What navigational tools did early explorers use?

Early explorers primarily used tools such as compasses, astrolabes, and maps. Compasses were used to determine direction, astrolabes to measure the altitude of celestial bodies for navigation, and maps to plan routes and understand geographic features. These tools helped early explorers navigate unknown territories and chart new paths across land and sea.